Olubanjo, O. O.Okhiria, Adebimpe O.Aina, O. M.2019-10-172019-10-172005Olubanjo O. O, Okhiria A. O, Aina O. M. (2005). The Nutritional Status and Health Conditions of Older Adults_ A Case Study of Odoraboyejo Community, Ijebu-Igbo, Nigeria. p152-169http://repository.elizadeuniversity.edu.ng/handle/20.500.12398/590This study analysed the nutritional status and health conditions of the older adults making Odoraboyejo Community, ljebu-Igbo, Nigeria a case study. A sample of seventy-five (75) respondents, at least 60years of age was drawn using the systematic random sampling procedure. Data were collected on demographic and socio-economic characteristics, food and feeding habits, dietary patterns, health conditions and physical defects of the respondents. Empirical results revealed that older adults of the female sex predominate (about 63percent) in the study area. Also, most of the older adults were widowed (49percent), above 70years (37percent), and on self-employment (49percent). Three-quarters of the respondents used pit latrines while 16percent used nearby bush for defeacation. Twenty-four (24) percent had access to well water as the only water source. About 55percent had chewing problems with only 24percent on medication. Also, about 27percent were dependants — on their offspring and close relations with an additional 12percent revealing no source of upkeep. Nonetheless, 36percent of them were into alcohols. Anthropometric indices further confirmed the incidence of a severe under-nutrition among the respondents with eye and conjuctival dysfunction, dental caries and body pains being the most reported ailments within the community. Appropriate programmes should be instituted within the Ijebu North Local Government Area to address the malnutrition and other afore-listed medical problems of the older adults in the study area.enNutritional Status and Health ConditionsOlder AdultsOdoraboyejo CommunityIjebu-Igbo, NigeriaThe Nutritional Status and Health Conditions of Older Adults_ A Case Study of Odoraboyejo Community, Ijebu-Igbo, NigeriaArticle