Momoh, A. O.Adebolu, T.T.Ogundare, A.O.2021-03-182021-03-182012-12-10 PublicationThe therapeutic efficacy of fermented beniseed liquor and the methanol extract in treating diarrhoea in albino rats infected with selected diarrhoeagenic bacteria was assessed. At the end of the experiment, haematological, biochemical and liver functioning tests were performed on the blood from the animals. The results showed that the selected organism have high infectivity dose, caused a significant reducing effect on the weight of the albino rats and negative effect on the hematological and biochemical parameters assessed. Treatment of infected animals with the fermented liquor and methanol extract of beniseeds showed that both caused a significantly quick recovery of the infected animals from diarrhoea within five days of treatment. However, the rate of recovery was faster with the group of infected rats treated with the fermented beniseed liquor than the extract. The results obtained from these analyses showed that beniseed have therapeutic properties and that the fermented form is more effective and can be used to treat diarrhoea caused by the selected bacteria used in this study in albino rats.enTherapeutic,beniseeds,diarrhoea,albino-rats.Therapeutic effect of beniseeds extract and fermented liquor in treatment of diarrhoea in albino rats infected with Bacillus cereusArticle