Aremo, Adeleke G.Aiyegbusi, Oluwole O.2019-07-172019-07-172011-12Aremo, A. G., & Aiyegbusi, O. O. (2011). Can globalisation induce economic growth in less developed economies? Evidence from Nigeria small open economy. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, 2(6), 511-519.2141-7024 of globalisation on economic growth in Nigeria were examined. The study methododology was mainly Error Correction Mechanism. The findings revealed that globalisation has negative impact on economic growth in the long run, but positive in the short run. This suggests that while Nigeria participates in globalisation exercise, caution should be exercised in opening up all its growing sectors to international competition, so as not to permanently stiffen the growth of these sectors in the long run with its accompanied negative impacts on the economyenGlobalisationEconomic growthError correction modelSmall open economyCan globalisation induce economic growth in less developed economies? Evidence from Nigeria small open economyArticle