Akanji, BabatundeMordi, ChimaTaylor, Agnes2019-07-172019-07-172015-01Akanji, B., Mordi, C., & Taylor, A. (2015). The Nature and Outcomes of Emotion Work in Customer Service Management. Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Technical Series, 67(1).http://repository.elizadeuniversity.edu.ng/handle/20.500.12398/348The purpose of this paper is to explore views of call centre employees working in Nigeria on the nature and consequences of emotional labour management during customer service interactions. Literature reveals lack of knowledge of this research area in an African context while a significant number of similar studies exist in Anglo-Saxon countries. Thus, this study was conducted in one of the Nigerian call centres. Using a social constructivist paradigm for the research analysis, semi-structured interviews were carried out among 50 Nigerian call centre agents. Findings revealed differences in terms of how affective delivery experiences was conceptualised and also perceived as a predictor of work stress when emotions are excessively regulated. In addition, organisationally-based solutions that can extenuate the negative after-effects of affective delivery that impairs well-being were suggested. In essence, the implication of the study is to unveil how call centre organisations existing in non-Western regions can better target and improve emotion work intrinsic of these frontline jobsenAffective deliveryEmotional labour managementNigerian call centresAfrican contextNon-Western regionsThe Nature and Outcomes of Emotion Work in Customer Service ManagementArticle