Omotoriogun, Taiwo C.Tende, TalatuAdeiza, Zeinab O.Onoja, Joseph D.Karau, ShomboroMwansat, Georgina S.Ottosson U, UlfManu, Shiiwua A.2019-07-152019-07-152019-04-1010.1111/aje.12638 African plain harbours high abundance and diversity of mammals, most of which are confined to protected areas (PAs) due to anthro‐ pogenic threats (Craigie et al., 2010; Dirzo et al., 2014; Estes, 1999; Kingdon, 1997). Also, PAs face problems of hunting, logging and live‐ stock grazing, conflict of interest and poor management (Caro, 2001; Dharmaratne, Sang, &Walling, 2000; Gardner et al., 2009; Geldmann et al., 2015; Geldmann et al., 2015; Hall, Harris, Medjibe, & Ashton, 2003; Pressey, 1994; Salum, Eustace, Malata, & Mbangwa, 2017; Thuiller, 2007), consequently disrupting conservation goals, effective monitor‐ ing and understanding of habitat utilisation dynamics of mammals. Although wetlands are important habitats for sustaining animal populations, there is a widespread trend of increasing degradation of these habitats (Fynn, Chase, & Rӧder, 2014) and dearth of infor‐ mation pertaining to wetland utilisation in most PAs. While this is integral for effective conservation practice, few studies focus on this area in Africa (Arzamendia, Cassini, & Vila, 2006; Kumar, Mudappa, & Raman, 2010; Rahman et al., 2017). Here, we investigated the wet‐ land utilisation dynamics of large mammals in Yankari Game Reserve (YGR). The objective was to determine abundance, density and di‐ versity of large mammals and whether these variables were associ‐ ated with wetland size and time of dayenWetlandutilizationLarge Mammals and Wetland utilization: a case study in Yankari Game Reserve NigeriaArticle