Akanji, BabatundeMordi, TonbaraAjonbadi, HakeemMojeed-Sanni, Bashir2019-07-172019-07-172018-11-04Akanji, B., Mordi, T., Ajonbadi, H., & Mojeed-Sanni, B. (2018). Impact of leadership styles on employee engagement and conflict management practices in Nigerian universities. Issues in Educational Research, 28(4), 830-848.1837-6290http://repository.elizadeuniversity.edu.ng/handle/20.500.12398/349This study explores how leadership styles impact work engagement and conflict management practices in Nigerian universities. It utilises a qualitative research design, focusing on 40 semi-structured interviews with senior university management staff comprising Vice-Chancellors, Registrars, Bursars, Deans of Faculties and senior nonteaching staff (i.e. chief librarians) of some selected institutions. The findings reveal cultural values shaping the choice of authoritative, transactional and transformational leadership styles were commonly adopted. Results further indicate how Nigerian academic institutions and processes are considered as being overly bureaucratic and transactional. Additionally, some context-specific norms were found to influence leadership functions impacting work engagement and conflict management practices. In summary, the study suggests practice and policy implications that can enhance the direction and development of effective leadership in this context.enLeadership EffectivenessLeadership StylesEmployee AttitudesConflict ResolutionForeign CountriesUniversitiesWork AttitudesCollege AdministrationDeansRegistrars (School)LibrariansImpact of leadership styles on employee engagement and conflict management practices in Nigerian universitiesArticle