Momoh, A. O.Adebolu, T. TOgundare, A. O.2021-03-182021-03-182012-11-19 PublicationThe active compounds of beniseeds was extracted using n-hexane, methanol, hot water and cold water to know the solvent with the highest percentage yield of the active components. Also, the antibacterial activity of each extract was determined using agar cup plate diffusion method on six diarrhoeagenic bacteria. The result of the analysis showed that n-hexane had the highest percentage yield (8.25%), while cold water had the lowest percentage yield (4.20%). Methanol extract recorded the highest inhibitory effect of 39.33 mm of zone diameter on Bacillus cereus, while cold water had the lowest inhibitory effect of 2.67 mm diameter zone on Enterobacter faecium. Therefore, n-hexane is the best solvent in terms of high yield of the extract of beniseeds compounds; methanol however should be used as solvent of extraction of beniseed compounds for antibacterial activity.enBeniseeds,extracts,yield,antibacterial.Evaluation of the antibacterial properties of different extracts of beniseed (Sesamum indicum linn)Article