Adanikin, AriyoOyedepo, Joseph O.2019-07-102019-07-102017-07-02Adanikin, A. & Oyedepo, J. (2016). Public Transportation Policy in Developing Countries - Nigeria as a Case Study – International Conference on Management, Technology and Sustainable Development (SMAT FUTA – 2017). paper reviewed understudies public transport approach utilizing factors such urbanization, populace development, vehicle proprietorship, and utilization. With changes in the social, political and economic climate of Nigeria, this study looks at how these changes have affected transportation request and supply, transport arrangement and directions, and parts of economic aspects and fund identified with public transport. Conservation and enhancing of existing modes, effective utilization of people in general transport administration framework, executing appropriate transportation measures, and empowering a move towards reasonable modes were suggested. Review of government policies towards public transportation was undertaken and it shows that if developing nations like Nigeria are to achieve their economic transformation blueprint such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), they require a functional, reliable and effective transport system to, among other things, connect people, places, services, opportunities and all these can only be derived by properly formulated and implemented policies with the aid of all relevant private, academic and government bodies working together.enTraffic ManagementPublic TransportInter Modal TransportPublic Private PartnershipPUBLIC TRANSPORT POLICY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: NIGERIA AS A CASE STUDYTechnical Report