Factors Constraining the Production and Marketing of Pawpaw (Carica papaya) in Ekiti State, Southwestern Nigeria.

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Continental J. Agricultural Economics
The objective of this work is to identify and examine marketing in Ekiti State, Southwestern Nigeria. Questionnaire schedule and personal interviews were used to collect data from ten Local Government Areas in the state. A total of 76 pawpaw farmers were rand interviewed for this study. The study identified poor patronage in the market, poor marketing system, inadequate capital, poor price, inadequate extension services, poor transportation, exploitative role of middle men, insufficient marketing informat facilities as the major constraining factors of pawpaw production and marketing in th recommended more effective extension services, formation of production and marketing cooperatives among the pawpaw farmers, maintenance of feeder roads, credit from government and financial institutions and organising enlightenment programmes about the nutritional and medicinal value of pawpaw fruit by Non Governmental Organisation, Extension agents and food nutritionist to increase pawpaw production and marketing in the area.
Staff Publication
pawpaw,, marketing,, production,, constraining