A Systematic Mapping Study of Edge Computing and Internet of Things with the Cloud

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology
Cloud computing is a business paradigm wherein computers and computing related services are provided by Cloud Service Providers to consumers either as software, development platform, or infrastructure. The integration of edge computing and IoT with Cloud opens a new technological dimension and a vista of research opportunities in this field. To determine the research context specifically in edge computing and IoT in relation to the cloud is a rigorous research process, this is where reviews and paper surveys come to play; as they easily help to discover research gaps. This paper aims to conduct a systematic mapping study of integration of Edge and IoT with the Cloud. A combination of topical, research and contribution facets were used to analyze publications of interest in reputable journals, magazines and conferences. Obtained results showed that most publications were on the topic of Applications in terms of Tool and Model, with 11.21% and 17.76% respectively. They were closely followed by publications on Architecture in terms of Model and Tool with 11.21% and 5.61%. Opinion papers were the least in the aspects of Architectures. In addition, there were more publications on Evaluation and Solution research with respect to Application with 9.92% and 14.5% respectively. Most papers on Ubiquitous Networks were in the area of Validation research with 5.34%. Furthermore, there were more work on Optimization in the areas of Philosophical, Evaluation and Experience studies, with 7.62%, 6.11% and 6.11% respectively. The output of this research is to be of benefit to research community as it readily points out areas of research drought.
Staff Publication
Cloud computing,, Edge computing,, IoT,, Systematic mapping.