Which Precedes the other? Organizational Strategy or Organizational Structure

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IIARD International Journal of Economics and Business Management
The aim of this research is to point out the relationship between organizational strategy and organizational structure and to see how they both impact on organizational performance and the realization of organizational goals. In addition to this, it intends to find out between organizational structure and organizational strategy which should come first and which decides the other. Conceptual and empirical review articles have been used to ascertain this relationship and to determine between organizational strategy and organizational structure which comes first and which determines the other. This research uses secondary sources to collect data for the study. The sources used are international journals, international conference proceedings, internet sources, newspapers and magazines. Most of these articles were retrieved by typing important keywords into google scholar and relevant sources downloaded and saved for use. This research found that there is strong and complex relationship between organizational strategy and organizational structure. In addition, the researchers also report that once organizational strategy is properly matched with organizational structure the end result is organizational performance. The authors recommend that for organizations to function properly, there must be a proper alignment between organizational strategy and organizational structure.
Staff Publication
Organizational Strategy,, Organizational Structure, Organizational performance,, Strategy Implementation.