Kraft lignin degradation by autochtonous streptomyces strains isolated from a tropical lagoon ecosystem

Kraft lignin contributes to the toxicity of the pulping plant effluent and is known to resist microbial treatment.The lignin component must be removed from lignocellulose biomass to enhance the release of fermentable sugars for the production of biofuel and other value-added end products. Lignin-degrading bacteria provide an advantage due to their ease of isolation,wider tolerance of environmental conditions and genetic manipulations compared with their fungal counterparts. There is no documented evidence on the degradation of kraft lignin by bacteria in the tropical estuarine ecological niche in Nigeria. Bacterial growth and assessment of kraft-lignin degradation in submerged fermentation was carried out for a period of 10 days using Streptomyces spp isolated from a tropical lagoon as the inocula. The organisms utilized 23 to 99 % kraft-lignin at the rate of 2.3×10-5 to 9.9×10-5 g.d-1cm-3 with specific growth rates of 0.020 - 0.084 h-1and doubling times of 8.3 - 35.1 h. Maximum values obtained for laccase and peroxidase activities were 9.5x10-2 and 400 μ mol mg -1min -1 respectively. The aim of this study was to obtain evidences for Kraft lignin degradation by indigenous tropical estuarine Streptomyces species from Lagos, Nigeria. The Autochthonous bacterial species of the Lagos lagoon utilize kraft lignin as a sole carbon source and may be good candidates for biotechnological purposes. The outcome of this study has bridged an information gap in the tropical environment and will complement existing global data because the information on the degradation of kraft lignin by marine Streptomyces is not common.
Biofuel, Lignocellulose, Streptomyces spp, Autochthonous bacteria
Buraimoh, Ammund and Ilori (2015). Kraft Lignin Degradation by Autochtonous Streptomyces Straisn Isolated from a Tropical Lagoon Ecosystem. J Microbiol Biotech Food Sci. 5 (3) 248-253