Analysis of the cost of governance and options for its reduction in Nigeria

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Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies
Government at any given level and over a defined territory can be treated as a typical example of a natural monopoly in the sense that only one can exist at any particular time. Thus, the traditional theories of costs and monopoly can be very useful in the analysis of the cost structure of government. Like any other unchecked private monopoly, government and by extension governance, can produce sub-optimal units of public good in which it has comparative advantage. Depending on the resources at its disposal and the tax-elasticity of public goods, massive deadweight costs, among others, often result from a high cost governance structure. This paper explores the effects of destructive political competition. It suggests constitutional provisions that will guarantee true separation of powers, restructure the mechanism of governance to, among other measures, limit the size of the cabinet to reduce the high cost of governance in Nigeria.
JEL classification, D72, H11, H41
Adewole, A. M., & Osabuohien, E. S. (2007). Analysis of the Cost of Governance and Options for its Reduction in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies.