Acenaphthene biodegradation and structural and functional metagenomics of the microbial community of an acenaphthene-enriched animal charcoal polluted soil
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Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology
Animal charcoal from skin and hides cottage industries indiscriminately disposed in run offs and drainage
channels harbors hazardous constituents that are mutagenic and toxic, and thus require bio-based ecofriendly
depuration strategies. A microbial consortium (FN7) from an animal charcoal polluted site enriched
with acenaphthene was structurally and functionally characterized via illumina next generation sequencing
and annotation of their putative ORFs, and also studied for ability to degrade acenaphthene. Structurally,
FN7 metagenome consists of 7 phyla, 13 classes, 38 orders, 49 families, 67 genera, 68 species, and
45 strains, respectively. The dominant phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, and strain in the
metagenome are Proteobacteria (48.9%), Actinobacteria (31.8%), Actinomycetales (28.0%), Enterobacteriaceae
(18.9%), Paracoccus (12.9%), Bacillus cereus group (13.5%), and Methylobacterium radiotolerans JCM
2831 (22.4%). The microbial consortium in the metagenome degraded 59.68% (29.84 mg l−1) and
89.16% (44.58 mg l−1) of the initial concentration of acenaphthene (50 mg l−1) in 14 and 21 days. Functional
annotation of the putative ORFs of the metagenome using KEGG KofamKOALA, NCBI's conserved domain
database, BacMet, and Antibiotic Resistance Gene-ANNOTation (ARG-ANNOT) revealed the detection
of hydrocarbon-degradation genes including salicylaldehyde dehydrogenase and catechol 1,2 dioxygenase
involved in acenaphthene degradation, resistance genes for mercury, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, and several
others, and antibiotic resistance genes for 15 antibiotic classes such as β-lactam, colistin, aminoglycoside,
among others. This study revealed that members of FN7 metagenome are equipped with requisite gene
batteries and could be veritable bioresources for in vitro biodegradation as well as on-site bioremediation of
animal charcoal polluted sites.
Staff Publication
Acenaphthene, Animal char coal, Biodegra dation, Hydrocar bon degradation genes, Shotgun metagenomics, Antibiotic and heavy metal resistomes