Volumetric Properties of Cow Bone Ash (CBA) Filler-Based Asphaltic Concrete Using Aggregates from Different Sources

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Journal of Applied Research on Industrial Engineering
Road infrastructure in Nigeria is in a state of decay arising from various factors such as construction with low quality materials and poor maintenance. Therefore, there is the need to ensure that the materials used for construction are of the required standards and the alternative construction materials are available to reduce construction cost. In this research work, Cow Bone Ash (CBA) was used as filler in producing the asphaltic concrete samples. Marshall stability and flow test were then carried out on the asphaltic concrete samples. The materials used in this study include 60/70 penetration grade bitumen, river sand and crushed granites obtained from three selected quarries with various tests carried out to determine their suitability for use. The lower quality aggregates, based on the tests carried out on the aggregate samples, have shown to negatively affect the asphaltic concrete. The aggregate samples had average elongation index of 33.9% and abrasion index of 29.6%, while the asphaltic concrete samples had Marshall stability values (with and without) CBA of 36.99 KN and 46.84 KN, respectively. The results of the flow test on the asphaltic concrete samples gave 8.29 mm with CBA and 14.71 mm without CBA. The study also reveals that asphaltic concrete samples produced without CBA as fillers are better as they have an average stability value of 15.61 KN and average flow value of 4.90 mm than those produced with CBA which have average stability value of 12.36 KN and an average flow value of 4.90 mm. Statistical analysis shows that the source of aggregate, significantly affects properties of asphaltic concret
Staff Publication
Asphaltic Concrete., Cow Bone Ash (CBA)., Aggregates., Marshall Stability., Flow.