Creativity and Innovation in Library and Information Services Delivery in an ICT Age: The Covenant University Library Perspectives

This article discussed creativity and innovation in Library and Information Services: the Covenant University Library Experience. lt highlighted the essence of creativity and innovation, {he creative and innovative ideas at Covenant University Library was also discussed, such as the establishment of escapist reading section, spiritual and leadership section, capacity building initiative , use of ICTs skills for effective services delivery. The paper recommends that Libraries should be creative, they should think of better ways of doing same thing, they should think outside the box, Library management should occasionally call for library staff meeting I discussion where staff should think on how to improve library services, Library schools should also inculcate in students philosophical thinking and analytical skills that will in turn develop creativity and innovation in the mind of the students. It is therefore concluded that 21't century libraries are faced with series of challenges, therefore, the present day librarians must have creative and innovative mind so as to render effective and efficient services to users and also remain relevant in this present age and ages to come.
Creativity and Innovation, Library and Information Services, ICT Age, Covenant University Library
Nkiko, Christopher and Idiegbeyan-Ose, Jerome and Ilogho, Julie E. and Esse, Ugwunwa C. (2014) Creativity and Innovation in Library and Information Services Delivery in an ICT Age: The Covenant University Library Perspectives. In: Contemporary Issues in Library and Information Science. Basement, Om Hospital, Near Anglo Urdu Highschool, Dhake Colony, Jalgaon - 425001., 17, Devidas Colony, Varkhedi Road, Dhule - 424001., pp. 351-358. ISBN 978-93-84093-11-2